2149 Vista Del Mundo Santa Maria

One step inside and you won t want to leave This 2BR 2BA modular home boasts 1440 SF of comfortable living space and tranquility abound. The light-infused open floor plan features vaulted ceilings living room & family room kitchen w breakfast bar & lots of cabinets and master ste w two walk-in closets. Other highlights include newer carpet & linoleum flooring updated kitchen appliances and washer dryer refrigerator included kitchen & patio skylights indoor laundry room w cabinets storage closet & built-in desk and attached 2 car garage. Your beautiful outdoor space features a serene garden setting w covered patio presenting the ideal place for relaxing or entertaining family and friends. Located in Rancho Buena Vista Estates this gated 55 park features a clubhouse w kitchen billiards room game room gym pool spa pitch N put golf & RV storage area (subject to availability for a fee). Current space rent is approx. 640 per month. Close to shopping centers & restaurants. This gem won t last long so call today to view Priced at 129 900. Information deemed reliable but not verified or guaranteed by broker.Help-U-Sell Real Estate Santa MariaCA BRE 01786154www.KENSELLS.com



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