Good Pembroke Weslh Corgi Puppies Now Available For Good Homes

Good Pembroke Weslh Corgi Puppies Now Available For Good Homes they are all vet cjeck vaccinated shots up to date mean while they are all perfectly fine in health they are all ready now for their new homes.We have 5 in litters 3 females 2 males that we are now looking for their forever home The reason while we are looking for their new homes it because i had to relocate as i have pick up my new job and my new Landlady is so allergic to animal so i can no longer keep them any more so i decided to look for them a new families that love to adopt this breed.Please note that there is an adoption fee to pay is not totally free so be aware before you can contact us.Also i will be sending the babies with their papers as well. Please make sure that you are a serious person because we shll not respond to any time waster. ( 980 ) 313-4729 text us and pictures..



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