Get Around Used Mobility Scooter 4 Wheel Motorized Handicap Elec

Get Around Mobility Scooter 4 Wheel Motorized HandicapGREAT CONDITION--GREAT BUY AS THESE ARE SELLING NEW 2 600 & UP Don t buy one til you see this scooterThis is an awesome Maxima 4 wheel motorized electric Scooter that looks and rides great. It has only been used several times and we no longer have a need for it at all. Because of it s lack of use is the reason it still is in good condition. There are a couple minor flaws with it.1] The top back of the seat does have little nicks in it. There are NO holes. You can see in the pics.2] Up at the tip of the control section there is about a 2 1 2 scratch where the paint is removed along crease of unit. This is also pictured. It does need batteries.Great standard features include upgraded electronics and an ultra heavy-duty drive train for more power and a redesigned thicker seat for greater comfort. The Maxima also features an easily adjustable tiller front headlight a horn durable one-piece frame construction and whisper-quiet drive train. THIS IS A DEFINITE MUST SEE SCOOTERGREAT BUY It has black 10 Tires w silver hubcaps and delivers a super smooth ride Comes with a battery charger [retails starting 149] rear view mirrorIt does need 2 batteries they can be found for 150 or lessThis is a really GREAT BUY and it will go fast.Any questions please ask Cindy text at 4076807922I DO ONLY ACCEPT CASH



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