Maltese -beautiful micro teacup Maltese full grown 3.3 and 3.5

Call 443-620-3363. These beautiful little Maltese girls are small dogs weighing 3.3 lbs to reach a max of 3.5 -4lbs full grown. They are purebred Maltese ONLY lineage AKC & CKC pedigree. They ve be potty pad outdoor trained & crate pen trained from birth they are trained social companion pets and they are home raised. We provide FREE veterans health records (w UTD vaccinations) and a 30 minute consultation. Please ONLY thos4 financially capable of purchasing and providing the very best life for our Maltese. Our Maltese are Champion blood show dogs and very loving attentive intelligent dogs. DISCOUNTED thru 10 30 2017. Regular price 3500



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