Lexmark XS463de Monochrome Laser - Printer copier scanner

Lexmark XS463de Monochrome Laser - Printer copier scannerThe Lexmark X463de MFP offers duplex printing copying and scanning with output speeds up to 40 ppm plus an intuitive color touch screen for user-friendly operation.Buy it with confidence from Lamah Multivision LLCFeaturesPrinter Type Laser All-in-OneOutput Type MonoAuto Document Feeder YesAutomatic Two-Sided Printing YesMonthly Duty Cycle 80 000 pagesPrint Speed Black Up to 40 ppmFax Speed 33.6 KbpsMaximum Resolution Up to 1200 x 1200 dpiADF Capacity 50 sheetsConnectivity USB EthernetMaximum Paper Size 8.5 x 14 Memory 128 MBSize (H x W x D)20.9 x19.2 x 17.2 inWeight 57 lbsWarranty 90 DaysFOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN CALL 612-501-5624



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