Morkie Spayed 4 yr. Female

Morkie - Beautiful Gold Silky 4 yr. old SPAYED female She is super sweet playful happy and healthy girl. Up to date on shots been regularly groomed given monthly heartguard preventative has rabies tags. She LOVES to play fetch in the yard go places in the car then come home and curl up for a nap. She is very smart and morkies are nice because are HYPOALLERGENIC. If you are looking for a young adult and a morkie is for you please PHONE CALLS ONLY AT (812) 240-8214 for info and pics of her. Want her to go to where is a fenced in yard as that is how she is used to going potty. And having maybe a small neutered male doggy to have as a brother would be great. PLEASE PHONE CALLS ONLY AT (812) 240-8214. I m old fashioned and texts and e-mails too impersonal to adopt her out Thanks for understanding. Please leave me a voice message if I can t get to phone in time and I will call you back ASAP. Just in time for the HOLIDAYS Thanks for inquiring. Please Serious inquiries. You will be getting a fantastic beautiful gal



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