839 ARMENTIERES RD SORRENTO BC RARE FIND Incredible 118 of lakeshore on private 1.32 acres and one of the most amazing settings you have ever seen. Property has been in the family for years and offers an amazing beach and private setting. This property has so much potential. Private 1.32 acres with a long driveway lots of trees and is mostly level with slight slope to really nice beach. Older two bedroom home with 1 016 square feet a big enclosed deck and a full unfinished basement. Home has a solid foundation and sits in ideal location on the property. This would be the perfect spot to build new or update the existing home and you would have paradise. This is a once in a life time opportunity MLS 10143143 For more information Jim Grieve PREC 250-833-6312 jdgrieve(at)shaw.ca or Jordan Grieve PREC 250-833-7812 jordangrieve(at)shaw.ca or visit www.jimgrievesalesteam.com HOMELIFE SALMON ARM REALTY 1-800-890-9166



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