Super Rare Purebred White Teacup Pomeranian

please do lots of research and adobt a puppy with a company or breeder that have strong client base Hello I have a super rare purebred white teacup pomeraninan (1boy and 1girl)Both has beautiful teddy bear face with thick fluffy double coatI am looking for a new owner who can take an extra good care of this puppy.she is currently 0.7lbs will be around 3-3.5lbs fully grown All the vaccination shots are up to date and supported documents will be providedThe reason why purebred poms are rare is because most of the poms the breed in canada is mixed with spitz.if you look at the purebred pom they should have short nose short legs and doubled coated fur.Don t be fooled by photoshop or scamWe have strong clients base in CanadaPlease google Pupsavenue to see all our previous clients and contact me if interested Serious inquiries only.



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