German shepherd puppies for sale

German Shepherd Puppies for Sale Whether you are looking for a working dog, a family pet, or a jack-of-all-trades, our dogs are the perfect pick. We are a large family that has been breeding German Shepherd Dogs for over 13 years. We have sold well over 100 puppies and have folks coming back for a second puppy. We have only 2 breeding females (our pets) and raise 2 litters a year. We give lots of love, care, and plenty of socialization with us (family of 8), grandkids, and friends. We have 1 male available - AKC Registration. I ve attached pictures of the parents and a pic of the litter just hours after birth. We will update as they grow and change. We are accepting deposits now. The puppies will be ready to go to their new homes. They will be vet-checked, wormed, and given their first vaccinations. The sire is a large, long-coated teddy bear. He is great with kids and lives in the house with my parents (78 & 83 years old). We bred him from our first line and have had him since birth. The dam is a short coated sweetheart. She is gentle and sweet-tempered



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