Three Family Garage Sale Ths Weekend

Saturday and Sunday 10am--3pm 72 River Road Durango (north of Edgemont Ranch) off CR 240 turn on CR 248 look for signs.We re selling off a table-load of fabric various sizes and kinds some very large pieces. Also assorted vintage lace napkins and a bag of yarn. And a 6 formica-top metal table.Get your good old movies now for the winter evenings -We have cd-r movies around 300 DVD s vhs movies and a vcr to play them. Around 25 CD s 200 vinyl records and a high-rated not-new-but-never-used 3-speed vinyl and CD player recorder to play them on. Also books (movies history aviation ships trains bios etc.).Jewelry (earrings some unusual necklaces) table lamps Coleman Sundown 8 x 7 dome tent used once (really ) a very old but functioning Singer treadle sewing machine collectibles and knicknacks Christmas decorations some nice dishes and serving bowls picture frames a computer monitor etc. etc.Tools include 3 drills a sander precision machinist tools and a large radial arm saw mounted on a stand.FREE--wood chip mulch assorted size rocks for landscaping help yourself.



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