11 weeks old male and female poms

Now re homing my few months old boy and girl Pomeranian puppies I can no longer keep them due to some reasons. There is a rehoming fee 3 month old poms female and male needing a new home. have all their shots and rabies, not fixed. House trained on potty pads and outside. Great with other dogs and ok with cats. Good with children and other pets. coming with the following includes some food. . blankets and toys 400$ for both and 250$ for one or very reasonable offer. . not 100 or 50, 1 males in litter only mom is a show dog puppies are tiny for there age 3 months with 2 sets of shots and deworming vet checked and are ready to go Not free no trades no offers price is firm email me asap. . or call or text (720)-538-3125



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