5 x 8 Enclosed Trailer - Great Prices Custom Orders also

CALL STEVE NOW (at) (910) 705-8330 On Site Enclosed 5x8 with Single Leaf-Spring Axle V-Nose with Silver Diamond ATP Stone Guard on Front 5 Interior Height L E D Tail Lights Various Colored Powder-Coated Aluminum Exterior Rear Ramp & Extension Flap with Secure Bar Lock 24 Side Door with Secure Bar Lock for additional ease of access Interior Dome Light with switch 3 4 Grade A Plywood Flooring 3 8 Grade A Plywood Walls 2000 lb. Tongue Jack Flat 4-Way Electrical Connection Aerodynamic V-Nose reduces resistance while towing ON SITE NOW NO ORDERING Fayetteville price for Multiple colored 5x8 as described - (Our shipping costs included) 1845.00 Inquire about other sizes colors available ON SITE (Standard White for le ) CALL STEVE NOW (at) (910) 705-833O (We also do custom orders & have a financing source available for purchases of 2 500.00 & up with approved credit. www.financemytrailer.com www.sheffieldfinancing.com



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