Electrical Instrumentation Engineer

Hiring on Electrical and Instrumentation parts of engineering Gain familiarity with the project scope of work specifications schedule and all inter-discipline requirements including identifying concerns as early as practicable. Recognize changes to scope and notify the Discipline Lead Engineer. Interface with all disciplines to develop clash free designs. Interface with other departments to obtain input for Discipline designs and drawings. Document substantive communications (communications that result in significant decisions or assignment of actions) and forward copies to Discipline Lead Engineer and Discipline Manager. Provide required bid inputs as directed. Prepare sketches of detail design to guide Designers. Assist procurement personnel in procuring discipline equipment materials and services. Procurement assistance includes preparing requisitions evaluating technical quotations and preparing queries compiling bid tabulations and recommendations preparing purchase requisitions and coordinating with Procurement to expedite vendor documents as directed by Discipline Lead Engineer. Salary Begins from 25K Qualification Engineering Any basic graduation Exp 2-3 yrs With regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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