Sheltie Puppies (Shetland Sheepdog)

Our AKC Shetland Sheepdog puppies are raised on our ranch in the sandhills of Nebraska. We view our dogs and our puppies as family members and do our best to treat them as such. The puppies are handled and played with several times daily from birth until they go to new homes. These little guys are raised in a heated air conditioned environment that we strive to keep as germ free as possible. They come to you at 8 weeks of age. At that time they will be up to date on proper vaccinations and worm prevention. They are sold with a guarantee. The mother of these babies is a very loving smart and fun. Please contact us at 402-387-0708 (land line) or 402-760-1169 (cell) about making one of these babies a family member. Remember... No home is complete without at least one Sheltie



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