Brake Press Operator - 119210

Structure Brake Shear Operator Pay 18.00 DOEShift Day shift Temp to Hire Locations Catoosa OKJob Description Ability to set up and operate power brake to bend notch punch form rolls arc or straighten metal plates or sheet metal and structural shapes to blueprint or sketch specifications selects positions and aligns dies in machine ram and bed. Ability to turn setscrews or bolts to fasten clamp bar that holds dies in position turn adjustment screws to set specified pressure of ram and clearance between dies to thickness of metal as indicated by calibrated scale or feelers. Layout or detail layout on work stock from blueprints or templates. Position work piece manually or with crane to align layout marks to dies. Ability to start machine to lower ram or depresses pedal to activate ram that bends or cuts metal. Ability to set stops on machine bed and reposition stock to run successive pieces or to perform multiple operations. Ability to verify dimensions of work piece. Ability to turn hand wheels to adjust rake (angle) and pressure of blade. Position and clamp stops and side guides to set length and angle of cut. One year of prior experience required.Job Order 118003 Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionApplication Time 7 00 A.M. to 3 30 P.M. Monday-Friday Claremore Office Location 507 E Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore Oklahoma 74017Walk-ins always welcome 50 advance available after your first day of workAlternatively You may submit your resume to Resume(at) Referral Bonus 125 for referring a Skilled Division employee and 200 for referring a Welding Division CNC Machinist after 80 hours of work



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