Shop Helper (Days) - 119096

Shop HelperLocation Sapulpa OKHours 6 AM - 4 30 PM Monday - SaturdayDuration Temp to HirePay 17 per hourJob Description As a Shop Helper you will support craftsmen in various tasks within a fabrication shop. This position involves working around overhead cranes forklifts and power equipment making it a safety-sensitive role.Key Responsibilities Assist craftsmen with assigned tasks and projects. Maintain productivity levels that meet company standards as defined by work instructions. Ensure workmanship meets quality standards set by the company. Uphold 5S requirements to maintain a clean and organized work environment. Collaborate with team members to contribute to project efficiency and safety. Skills and Experience Basic experience in a fabrication shop environment. Ability to operate overhead cranes and power tools. Proficient in basic shop communication (reading and writing). Ability to use a tape measure accurately. Willingness to learn to read shop drawings and understand bills of materials. A desire to learn new skills and contribute as part of a team. Job ID 119096Stand-By Personnel Skilled Division_ Application Time 7 00 A.M. to 3 00 P.M. Monday-FridayTulsa Office Locations 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 74120Walk-ins always welcome 50 advance available after your first day of workAlternatively You may submit your resume to Resume(at)standbypersonnel.comReferral Bonus 125 for referring a Skilled Division employee and 200 for referring a Welding Division CNC Machinist after 80 hours of work.



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