Hiring on Autocad Design engineer

Hiring on Autocad DesigningCreating Designs Develop detailed designs for sheet metal components and assemblies using CAD software (e.g. AutoCAD SolidWorks or CATIA). Prototyping Design prototypes and develop concept models to test the functionality and manufacturability of sheet metal products before full-scale production. Customization Modify existing designs or create new ones based on client specifications functional requirements and industry standards. 3D Modeling Create precise 3D models of sheet metal parts assemblies and enclosures ensuring they are accurate and meet the required specifications. Simulations and Analysis Use Finite Element Analysis (FEA) or other simulation tools to analyze the structural integrity stress and load-bearing capacities of designs under various conditions.Location Chennai TamilnaduQualification Any basic graduationExp 2-4 yrsSalary based on exp its negotiableContact MADHU HRInfohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com9500574819



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