Production Engineer ( EEE MECH) jobs

Production Engineer ( EEE MECH) jobs Job description We have requirement of qualified engineers for Production testing and troubleshooting of Power electronics and drives trainer kit . .Responsibilities and Duties1. Production and assembling of Electrical and electronics equipment. 2. Testing of Power electronics equipment s and PCBs. 3. Troubleshooting and repairing of PCB cards 4. Good knowledge of electronics and electrical instruments.5. Good problem solving skill in drives . 6. Must know functionality and use of multi-meter and other measurement equipment s.7.Good Knowledge in Microprocessor microcontroller and Power ElectronicsOnly Fresher Skills and Qualifications1.Knowledge of Computers operation and office software. 2.Knowledge of Basic Electronics tools and Components. 4.Basic Electrical Knowledge and diagnosis skills. 5.Degree ( B.E) or Diploma from EEE M.E - Power ElectronicsJob Type Full-timePay 15k to 30k per monthSchedule Day shiftRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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