Payment posting jobs at chennai

Payment posting jobs at chennaiJD Job Role Payment postingExperience 1 yrsShift Day ShiftJob Description Key Responsibilities Accurately post payments and adjustments to customer accounts in the financial system.Reconcile daily payment batches and resolve discrepancies in a timely manner.Review and validate payment information to ensure accuracy and completeness.Process and apply insurance payments patient payments and other forms of revenue.Generate and review reports to ensure all payments have been posted correctly.Communicate with customers and insurance companies to resolve payment-related issues.Assist with month-end and year-end closing processes.Maintain accurate records and documentation related to payment posting activities.Collaborate with other departments to resolve billing and payment issues.Ensure compliance with company policies and procedures as well as relevant regulations.Job Type Full-timePay Up to 25k per monthSchedule Day Night shiftThanks & Regards Nedhra -HR89251 and 14937



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