Accounts Receivable Analyst jobs at Chennai 2024

Accounts Receivable Analyst jobs at Chennai 2024Job description Responsible for resolving escalated cases. Review the claim allocated and check the status by calling the payer or through IVR Web Portal. Ask a series of relevant questions depending on the issue with the claim and record the responses. Prepare call notes initiate or execute the corrective measures by sending necessary documents to Payers. Record the actions and post the notes on the customer s revenue cycle platform. Use appropriate client-specific call note standards for documentation. Perform ageing analysis understand days in A R top reasons for denials and provide reports to clients as needed. Adhere to MBW s information security guidelines. Be in the center of ethical behavior and never on the sidelines.Salary 15k to 30kEdu Any degreExp 0 to 4 yrsRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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