Proficient in SQL Become Our Upcoming SQL Developer

Proficient in SQL Become Our Upcoming SQL Developer Job DescriptionResponsibilitiescreating and putting into use database structures such as stored procedures tables views and indexesCreating and evaluating SQL scripts to facilitate data analysis and application development including intricate queries and transactionspreserving and improving current database systems addressing performance concerns and fixing issues with data integrityWorking together with project managers software developers and other stakeholders to make sure database designs adhere to technical and business requirementsEnsuring sensitive data confidentiality and protection through the implementation of database security and access control procedureskeeping an eye on the scalability and performance of databases and suggesting changesOutstanding interpersonal and communication abilities Skills Strong understanding of database management systems (DBMS) and SQLProficiency in database design and modeling techniquesExperience with database performance tuning and optimizationKnowledge of data security and access control best practicesAbility to work independently and as part of a team Experience 3 to 5 yrsSalary From 35K per monthQualification Any Degree related to ITLocation ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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