Medical Biller jobs at chennai 2024

Medical Biller jobs at chennai 2024Job description Job RequirementsJob Title Medical Biller Location ChennaiJob Type Full-TimeSalary Competitive commensurate with experienceQualification Diploma or Bachelor s degree in Medical Billing and CodingWork Experience Experience preferred freshers can applyJob Description As a Medical Biller Coder at Omega Healthcare you ll play a crucial role in accurately coding and billing medical services and procedures for healthcare providers. You ll need a solid understanding of medical terminology coding systems and insurance regulations to interpret medical records and apply the appropriate codes for billing and reimbursement. Effective communication with healthcare providers insurance companies and patients is essential in this role.Responsibilities Accurately code and bill medical services and procedures. Interpret medical records and apply appropriate codes. Ensure compliance with insurance regulations and guidelines. Communicate effectively with healthcare providers insurance companies and patients regarding billing issues. Maintain confidentiality of patient information and records. Stay updated with changes in coding systems and insurance regulations.Benefits Competitive salary package. Opportunity to work in a reputable healthcare organization. Professional development and training opportunities. Supportive work environment fostering personal and professional growth. Chance to contribute to the efficient operation of healthcare billing processes.Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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