Diploma in EEE BE EEE fresher wanted 2024

Diploma in EEE BE EEE fresher wanted 2024Location ChennaiJob Summary We are seeking a qualified Electrical engineer with a TN Electrical Licensing Board Qualified C holder certification. The ideal candidate will be responsible for performing electrical installations repairs and maintenance in compliance with state regulations and safety standards.Key Responsibilities Installation and Maintenance Install maintain and repair electrical systems wiring and equipment in residential commercial and industrial settings.Code Compliance Ensure all work complies with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and local regulations set by the TN Electrical Licensing Board.Troubleshooting Diagnose electrical issues and implement effective solutions.Safety Protocols Adhere to safety practices and procedures to minimize risks and maintain a safe work environment.Documentation Maintain accurate records of work performed including inspections repairs and installations.Collaboration Work closely with other technicians contractors and clients to complete projects on time and within budget.Continuing Education Stay updated on changes in electrical codes technologies and best practices through ongoing training and education.Qualifications Experience Minimum 2 years of experience in electrical work with a focus on installation and maintenance.Knowledge Strong understanding of electrical systems NEC regulations and local codes.Preferred Qualifications Diploma in EEE BE EEEBenefits Competitive salary based on experience.Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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