Drive Product Innovation as Experienced R and D Engineer

Drive Product Innovation as Experienced R and D EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesCreate thoughts that serve as the foundation for the creation of new or altered goods procedures or solutions.engages in brainstorming sessions with other project participants to identify creative ideas for upcoming goods procedures or solutions.will focus on product line development standardisation and enhancement.may support the creation of design control protocols guide specifications and design standards guides.In charge of organising and overseeing deliverables from several engineering specialities Skills Strong technical and analytical skillsCreative and innovative thinkingProblem-solving and decision-making abilitiesExcellent communication and collaboration skillsKnowledge of product development processes and methodologies Experience 3 to 5 yrsSalary From 35K per monthQualification Diploma BE in AutomobileLocation ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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