Join Our Team as a Sr Engineer Store Dept in Injection Molding

Join Our Team as a Sr Engineer Store Dept in Injection MoldingJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesTo avoid damage or waste rotate your merchandise and keep an eye on the storage space.Ensure that stock levels and inventory data are accurate. It is necessary to update inventory databases rectify discrepancies and do routine stock counts.Will Provide site crews with supplies and equipment in accordance with project specifications.All such records of items received issued and returned must be kept up to date.Will Create and deliver inventory reports to project management on a daily weekly and monthly basis.Make certain that all paperwork including requisition forms MRNs and GRNs is appropriately filed and available for auditing.Reorder materials in accordance with project requirements and stock levels by communicating with the procurement team. should inform the site crew of anticipated delivery dates and monitor the progress of outstanding orders.Role Store Sr EngineerQualification Any Engineering DegreeExperience 5 to 8 yrsSalary From 35K per monthLocation ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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