Manual Machinist - 119204

Manual Machinist Pay 26- 29 hour Duration Direct Hire Location Tulsa OK Hours 7 00 AM 3 30 PMJob Brief We are seeking an experienced Manual Machinist to join our team in Tulsa OK. In this role you will be responsible for planning setting up and operating manual machines to produce precision parts. You ll work with blueprints sketches and CNC programs ensuring high-quality components that meet strict tolerance requirements. This position offers an opportunity for growth with the potential to earn the designation of CNC Machinist by mastering the role s technical skills.Responsibilities Machine Operation & Setup Plan machine operations including part holding alignment tooling and interpretation of CNC programs. Operate probing systems and use precision instruments to verify dimensions and tolerances. Read and follow complex blueprints and sketches adjusting tools as needed for different parts.Support & Collaboration Coordinate with CNC programmers on tooling and program deviations. Assist maintenance staff with machine servicing and perform minor maintenance tasks such as cleaning and oiling. Instruct and provide guidance to other machinists as needed. Safety & Quality Compliance Follow all safety protocols and ensure compliance with facility rules. Operate cranes material-handling equipment and power tools safely. Ensure accurate handling and disposal of hazardous waste adhering to EPA regulations and MSDS standards. Produce high-quality parts on time in line with ISO 9000 standards.Skills Required Strong knowledge of manual machining processes including setup and operation. Ability to read and interpret blueprints sketches and CNC programs. Proficiency with precision measuring instruments for verification of tolerances. Basic math skills to perform necessary calculations during machining. Experience with cranes material-handling equipment and power tools. Knowledge of hazardous material handling and safety standards. Ability to furnish and use personal hand tools for daily operations. Strong communication skills and ability to assist or train others when required.Job ID 119204



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