Senior Electrical Maintenance - 118739

Senior Electrical Maintenance TechPay 25-30 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 7am-3 30pm (Every other Saturday)Job Type Temp to HireLocation Catoosa OklahomaJob Description As an Electrical Maintenance Technician you will be responsible for installing maintaining and repairing electrical systems and equipment. You will troubleshoot issues interpret blueprints and ensure that all work complies with local electrical codes and safety standards.Responsibilities Install maintain and repair electrical systems wiring and equipment. Troubleshoot and diagnose electrical issues in industrial or manufacturing settings. Read and interpret blueprints schematics and technical diagrams. Ensure compliance with local electrical codes and safety protocols. Perform routine inspections testing and maintenance of electrical systems. Assist in the implementation of electrical upgrades and improvements. Follow safety standards and procedures to ensure a safe working environment.Skills Required License Must hold a valid Journeyman Electrician license. Experience 3-4 years of proven experience in industrial or manufacturing electrical work. Technical Knowledge Strong understanding of electrical systems tools and safety protocols. Problem-Solving Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills. Attention to Detail Ability to ensure high-quality work and compliance with standards.Job Order 118739



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