Beam Line Operator - 118728

Beam Line CNC OperatorPay 25 hr. (Depending on experience)Hours Weekend Day Shift Work 36 hours get paid for 40 Job type Temp to hire.Location Catoosa OklahomaJoin a leading manufacturer in Catoosa specializing in top-quality heat exchangers They are expanding and seeking dedicated individuals to join their growing team. Contribute your talent and enthusiasm in a challenging yet rewarding environment that emphasizes safety continuous improvement and teamwork. Become part of a company that values attention to detail and offers opportunities for learning and advancement Job Description The Beam Line CNC Operator should be able to set up and operate CNC machines utilizing machine programs or control monitoring screens to perform functions such as cutting and punching. They should determine and select appropriate machine procedures tooling requirements and control settings. The role requires the ability to read and interpret blueprints material planning sheets sketches or related technical data to create efficient cutting and punching programs. Additionally the candidate must start and monitor the machine detect malfunctions and ensure the correct use of materials according to the Bill of Material (BOM).Requirements Minimum one-month related experience or training or equivalent combination of education and experience.Job Order 118728



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