Cust Serv Evaluators NeededBank (Hugo OK)

We are looking for people who are interested in evaluating a bank in HUGO OK.PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Visits are IN-PERSON Personal Banker visits Teller visits or Phone visits. A PERSONAL BANKER VISIT requires the evaluator to go inside the bank and inquire about a product service account they offer. You will observe their overall customer service knowledge of products services accounts they offer and their sales ability. Evaluators ARE NOT REQUIRED to fill out an application of any type. Evaluations are INFORMATIONAL ONLY. A TELLER VISIT requires you to do a transaction on your account evaluating the transaction process with the Teller. You will observe their overall customer service knowledge and efficiency. A PHONE VISIT is where you would call the assigned bank branch and inquire by phone about a product service account they offer. You will observe their overall customer service knowledge of products services accounts they offer and their sales ability. You don t have to be local to do the Phone evaluations. We have evaluators that live nationwide that do Phone evaluations for us and our Clients.PLEASE NOTE If you are a current account holder at this bank it could allow for additional opportunities. PAY Ranges from 7 to 18 each depending on the type of evaluation done. Evaluators may do multiple visits multiple evaluation types. Ask the Account Rep for availability.CONTACT Account Representative Jane York for more information. She can be reached at 1-800-259-8551 Ext. 205 or by EMAIL at JaneYork(at) ABOUT US Our company Shoppers Inc. is based in Broken Arrow Oklahoma and we have been in business since 1986. We have clients (businesses) we evaluate all over the U.S. We are accredited by the BBB with an A rating. We are also a certified Service Provider of the MSPA which means we are certified as reputable & legitimate we DO NOT charge fees and registration is FREE.DISCLAIMER We encourage applicants of all ages races and experience as we do not discriminate on the basis of an applicant s age race or experience level.



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