DME BE BTech in Mechanical Engineering 0 to 2 Years

DME BE BTech in Mechanical Engineering 0 to 2 YearsJob description Experience Fresh Experience 0 to 2 YearsEducation DME B.E B.Tech in Mechanical EngineeringJob Location Chennai Job Description The primary responsibility of the selected candidates will involve drafting and designing various products using SolidWorks specifically tailored for medical device manufacturing.Qualifications Experience in SolidWorks Solid Modelling Surface Modelling Assembly Flow analysis & Simulation DME BE B.Tech. Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Biomedical Engineering Knowledge of DMR DHF (Design Plan Design input output Validation & Verification and Design Transfer) would be an added advantage. Understanding of quality and regulatory requirements for medical devices classification A proven record of interpersonal skills to handle clients should be Result oriented and self-drivenRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937All the best



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