Box Header Welder - 115905

Box Header WelderPay 24-30 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 6AM-4 30PM OR 5PM-3 30AMJob type Temp To HireLocation Claremore OklahomaBenefits Comprehensive 401(k) plan and health insurance coverage with vision and dental insurance options Test Type 2G plate test on a 1 single bevel plate with a 3 16 open root using straight hardwire 0.45 MIG for the fill and cap with flux.Job Description We re seeking experienced Box Header Welders with expertise in GMAW and FCAW processes and a solid background in carbon steel. The ideal candidate will need to pass a 2G plate test on a 1 single bevel plate including a 3 16 open root using straight hardwire 0.45 MIG for the fill and cap with flux. Strong proficiency in reading and interpreting blueprint drawings is essential for this role.What you ll be doing Set up welders to achieve cosmetically pleasing spatter-free welds. Demonstrate proficiency in MIG and Flux core welding processes. Troubleshoot welding equipment. Use basic fabrication equipment (saws grinders etc.) Operate welding fixtures. Read and understand production schedules. Maintain an organized and clean workspace adhering to housekeeping standards. Must-Have Qualifications Proven experience as a Box Header Welder with expertise in GMAW and FCAW processes particularly with carbon steel. Strong proficiency in reading and interpreting blueprint drawings. Proficiency in both MIG and Flux core welding processes. Experience troubleshooting welding equipment. Competence in using basic fabrication equipment such as saws and grinders. Capability to read and understand production schedules. Job Order 115905



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