Step Into Medical Billing AR Caller Role

Step Into Medical Billing AR Caller RoleJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesUtilise web portal services IVRs or phone calls to the payer to conduct pre-call analysis and verify the status.In order to submit the required paperwork to insurance companies and keep a transparent audit trail for future use make sure you have enough documentation on the client software.Keep track of after-call activities and do post-call analysis for the claim. continuationCalling to evaluate and address requests complaints and questions will guarantee that those consumer enquiries are addressed at the initial point of contact.Give the customer accurate information about the product or service look up any available paperwork such as authorisation nursing notes and medical records on the client s systems and evaluate the advantages received and other information before placing the call.Role AR CallerQualification Any Basic DegreeExperience FreshersSalary From 18K per monthLocation ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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