Become a React JS Developer and Join Our Team

Become a React JS Developer and Join Our TeamJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesExamining the interface designs and needs for applications.Recognising user interactions that take place online.Using React ideas creating and implementing highly responsive UI elements.Writing JavaScript application interface code while adhering to react.js procedures.Troubleshooting application codes and interface software.Creating and executing front-end architecture to facilitate concepts related to user interfaces.Front-end performance is being tracked and improved.Recording modifications to applications and creating updates. Skills Application review Reviewing application requirements and interface designs.User interaction identification Identifying web-based user interactions.React component development Developing and implementing highly responsive user interface components using React concepts.JavaScript coding Writing application interface codes using JavaScript following React.js workflows.Troubleshooting and debugging Troubleshooting interface software and debugging application codes.Front-end architecture development Developing and implementing front-end architecture to support user interface concepts.Performance monitoring and improvement Monitoring and improving front-end performance.Documentation and updates Documenting application changes and developing updates. Experience 3 to 5 yrsSalary From 35K per monthQualification Any Degree related to ITLocation ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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