Transportation Planner II

How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 9ux2ayt9 by Nov 6. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work. Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with nearly 300 reviews. The ChallengeWe are looking for a Transportation Planner to join our Integrated Mobility team. In this role you willProvide technical assistance to multimodal transportation planning assistance to local regional governments. Coordinate with Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs) Municipal Planning Organizations (MPOs) and public transportation systems within your geographic area that includes a 25-county region of urban and rural locales. Regularly coordinate with MPOs RPOs and local transportation groups. Lead planning assistance. Provide programmatic guidance. Coordinate and implement activities related to federal and state planning programs. Administer multimodal bicycle pedestrian plans management and conduct planning projects for local governments and transportation systems. Assist with technical research projects. Create planning best practices quarterly report reviews and tracking. Understand federal and state program areas Lead research policy and related projects. Research state federal laws and policies regarding multimodal bicycle pedestrian and transit travel. Ensure our Division meets federal state programmatic requirements. Provide guidance to other NCDOT business units Deliver public presentations about IMD s work. Provide strategic leadership and support to our Planner I when leading projects and facilitating complex assignments. Work under our Regional Planning Manager in the Planning and Programming Section. Travel throughout the Eastern Piedmont region for partner and stakeholder engagement. What You BringDeep knowledge of multimodal bicycle pedestrian and transit planning principles techniques and procedures and their interrelationships. In-depth knowledge and understanding of Federal & State laws guidelines and funding programs related to multimodal bicycle pedestrian and public transportation infrastructure and systems. Demonstrated ability to concurrently manage multiple planning and research projects and studies. Demonstrated ability to direct organize and oversee activities of consultants and research partners. Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with state federal and local officials. Education & ExperienceMaster s degree in urban and regional planning transportation planning engineering business administration or economics and 1 year experience in transportation or community planning or Bachelor s degree in urban and regional planning transportation planning engineering business administration or economics and 3 years experience in the collection and analysis of economic and social data one of which must have been in transportation or community planning projects or An equivalent combination of education and experience. NoteYour office can be in Raleigh or at an NCDOT facility agreed upon by IMD and the Division of Highways Division Engineer in any of these counties Orange Durham Wake Johnston Chatham Person Granville Vance Warren Halifax Northampton Hertford Bertie Martin Beaufort Pitt Greene Lenoir Duplin Wayne Nash Edgecombe Wilson Lee or Moore. Questions Call me Faye T. McCullen at 919-707-4685. Inspire me to join the Integrated Mobility teamOur team administers state and federal funds for public transportation bike and pedestrian programs and provides subject matter expertise related to multimodal transportation planning innovation technology and emerging mobility trends. Our core mission is to provide leadership for safe affordable and innovative multimodal transportation throughout North Carolina. Our team s goals include eliminating transportation barriers ensuring equal access to opportunities for all North Carolinians enhancing quality of life by providing safe multimodal transportation choices and ensuring safety for all road users. We administer 100M annually in state and federal funds for public transportation bicycle and pedestrian programs. We review 200 applications each year for funding provide grant funding to 150 subrecipients processes 1 000 reimbursement claims provide performance reports to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on 30 active grants and provides risk-based oversight of 100 subrecipients to ensure compliance with federal state requirements. Ensuring subrecipient compliance with all federal state requirements is also a core responsibility. Connect me to NCDOT Careers s in ncdot-careers Show me more NCDOT jobs s NCDOTJobs Curious s JoinNCDOT



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