Shipping Clerk

Shipping Clerk - Canton OH - JOB 24-00779Hourly Rate 17.50 HR A well-established electrical services and equipment provider located east of Canton Ohio is seeking a Shipping Clerk. The Shipping Clerk duties are to verify and prepare packages for customer orders per work orders. Sort and place product on shelves and in bins according to a predetermined sequence. Assemble products as needed.Requirements High School Diploma or GED required Must have prior shipping experience. Must have experience using Computer UPS Meter and various machines for manufacturing tools. Must have at least 1 year of manufacturing experience. Must be dependable and self-motivated with stable work history. Must be able to work independently as well as work in a team environment. Must be able to read and interpret written work instructions. Must have a valid driver s license and dependable means of transportation. Ability to lift up to 50lbs 1st shift 7 00 AM 3 30 PM Monday Friday Candidates are required to pass a Criminal Background Check and a 10 Panel Drug Screen. Only U.S. Citizens or persons with a Green Card work permit may apply. Due to the large amount of resumes we expect to receive only the most qualified candidates will be contacted. We will retain all other resumes for any future job considerations.Integrity Technical Services Inc. 14 Whitehall Drive Suite 102 Akron Ohio 44278 Toll Free 1-888-262-3226 Akron 330-633-6500 Cleveland 440-257-3232 Website (To view all of our open positions please visit our website) Integrity Technical Services Inc. does not charge a fee for finding anyone a job. Integrity Technical Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



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