Admin Executive Shape Our Workplace Efficiency

Admin Executive Shape Our Workplace EfficiencyJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesCompile a daily list of all client and vendor emails based on priority and work with clearance associates to monitor mail usage on a daily basis.Taking an active role in file administration which includes organising documents online duties and printer functions.Keep track of significant and private company documents in a file system.Supervise the DSR (Daily Status Report) collection for all clients.Create reports for management using the Management Information System (MIS).Work with clients to arrange access to the necessary paperwork.Organise office supplies and equipment placing orders for new supplies and equipment when necessary.Work together with other departments to address problems related to data sufficiency.Help the accounts executive organise the payment receipts and invoices. Skills Prioritization and task management Ability to prioritize tasks and manage multiple responsibilities effectively.Communication Strong communication skills both verbal and written to interact with colleagues clients and vendors.Organizational skills Excellent organizational skills to maintain a well-organized and efficient workspace.Attention to detail Meticulous attention to detail to ensure accuracy in data entry and document management.Technical proficiency Familiarity with office software and equipment.Problem-solving Ability to identify and resolve issues related to data sufficiency and office operations.Collaboration Effective teamwork skills to work with colleagues in other departments. Experience 3 to 6 yrsQualification Any Basic DegreeLocation ChennaiJob Type Permanent And Full Time JobSalary From 45K per monthWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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