Material handler

Rama tiles and flooring ltd located at 31120 Peardonville Road Abbotsford suite 102 Abbotsford BC V2T 6K7 is urgently looking to hire 3 Full-time Permanent Material handlers.Duties include Load unload and move products and materials by hand or with basic material handling equipment Pick orders and stock Weigh materials and goods Pack and unpack goods Organize and maintain inventory Operate computerized inventory control systems Education is not required and experience will be an asset.There are no language requirements for this position. Workers will receive instructions translated into their local language.Salary is 21.00 hour(40 hours week).Additional informationWork conditions and physical capabilitiesFast-paced environment Physically demanding Personal suitabilityHardworking Team player We welcome Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Visible minorities and Youth.To Apply email resumes at jobsramatiles(at)



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