Shape Your Career in Human Resources

Shape Your Career in Human Resources Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesHelp and support the leadership group and management in managing and resolving human resources-related issues.Keep an eye out for compliance with all local state and federal laws as well as company policies and standards during the recruiting and recruitment procedures.Notify the Human Resources management of any employee relations concerns.Answer enquiries requests and concerns about corporate and HRM policies procedures and programs from staff members and management.Employee activities rules and programs and employer-employee interactions are among the topics you should enlighten your staff about.Examine and make sure that all personnel files and records such as interview transcripts and I-9s are kept up to date.Participate in the planning execution and scheduling of the yearly employee surveys.Return calls take messages and record them.Help management with employee hiring coaching scheduling reviewing counselling and disciplining staff.Role HR ExecutiveExperience FreshersQualification Any Basic Degree or MBALocation ChennaiJob Type Permanent And Full Time JobSalary from 18K per monthInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further detailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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