Advance Your Career as a Senior Technician

Advance Your Career as a Senior Technician Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesComponent Repair Repair and rework electronic components on PCBs.Component Selection Choose the right components for IoT devices.Design Create and review schematics layouts and technical documentation.Testing Develop and conduct tests to ensure IoT devices work properly.Troubleshooting Fix problems with electronic assemblies and systems.PCB Assembly Assemble PCB components according to specifications.Teamwork Work with software and firmware engineers to integrate electronics into IoT products.Supply Chain Find and evaluate suppliers for components.Material Lists Create lists of materials parts and components.Troubleshooting Help solve hardware and software problems.Device Assembly Build IoT devices enclosures sensors and other hardware.Role Sr TechnicianExperience 4 to 6 yrsQualification Diploma or BE in ECELocation ChennaiJob Type Permanent And Full Time JobSalary from 40K per monthInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further detailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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