Become a Key Player Senior Technician Role

Become a Key Player Senior Technician RoleJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesReworking and desoldering PCB work and through-hole and surface mount components.Choose the right materials and components for Internet of Things applications.Make and go over technical documentation PCB layouts and schematics.Create and carry out test programs to verify the functionality and dependability of Internet of Things devices.Investigate and fix problems with electronic systems and assemblies.In charge of the PCB put the PCB components together according to the given specifications.Assist other team members including firmware and software engineers in integrating electronics into Internet of Things goods.Work together to source and qualify components with manufacturers and suppliers.Create a procurement material part and component list in accordance with the technical specifications.collaborating with peers to troubleshoot hardware and software issuesaccountable for draughting mending and putting together hardware components such as enclosures sensors and other IoT devices.Role Sr TechnicianExperience 2 to 4 yrsQualification Diploma or BE in ECELocation ChennaiJob Type Permanent And Full Time JobSalary from 25K per monthInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further detailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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