Ad12 waterproof ph-temp pocket testers in ras al khaimah, uae

Caresource is a leading laboratory equipment supplier in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE and beyond.  The AD12 Waterproof pH-TEMP Pocket Tester with a replaceable electrode is designed to measure the pH levels and temperature of water in various environments. Its purpose is to provide accurate and reliable readings in a durable, waterproof design, making it ideal for use in pools, spas, aquariums, hydroponics, and other applications where water quality monitoring is essential. The replaceable electrode feature ensures long-term usability and cost-effectiveness. we provide premium top-quality products at affordable prices. With shipping available, accessing the best tools in the industry has never been easier. Trust us for all your equipment needs and experience exceptional quality and service. Contact us today to find the perfect solution for your laboratory!



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