EEE FRESHER can apply 2024 batch

EEE FRESHER can apply 2024 batchJob description KEY SKILS Installing and maintaining electrical systems equipment and devices. Using and maintaining hand and power tools such as screwdrivers pliers and drills. Repairing wiring systems. Installing electrical conduits cables tubing.AutoCAD ElectricalKey Responsibilities Assist in designing testing and improving electrical and electronic systems and components. Support the development and execution of engineering projects including prototypes and system enhancements. Participate in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues related to electrical and electronic systems. Help prepare technical documentation such as design reports test results and user manuals. Collaborate with senior engineers and other team members to meet project goals and deadlines. Conduct research and stay informed about industry trends and technological advancements. Ensure compliance with safety standards and industry regulations in all engineering tasks.Job Types Full-time Permanent FresherBenefits Cell phone reimbursement Food provided Health insurance Internet reimbursement Life insurance Provident FundSchedule Day shift Morning shift Rotational shiftSupplemental Pay Overtime pay Performance bonus Yearly bonusRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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