Purchase Executive Mechanical Engineering Firm

Purchase Executive Mechanical Engineering Firm JD Job description Purchase Executive (Only candidate with Dip Degree in Mechanical Engineering) (Chennai Corporate office)- Implement the purchase strategies.- Manage the assigned purchase activities- Manage the supplier relations negotiate contracts prices timelines etc.- Maintain the supplier database purchase records and related documents- Coordinate with inventory control to determine and manage inventory needs.- Ensuring that all procured items meet the required quality standards and specifications.- Prepare cost estimates and manage the budget- Hands on experience in sourcing and purchase of Engineering items used in the Continuous Process Industry - Processing Machines Conveyor Drive Gear Box Heaters Utilities - Air Compressor Dryer Cooling Tower Generator EOT Cranes Water Treatment Plants Dehumidifiers Water Pumps etc. - Hands on experience in purchasing of Electrical Panels Drives - MCB VCB Transformer Controllers drives of various make like Siemens Yaskawa Sheneider ABB etc. - Source the Fabricators for the Steel Structure - Able to close the Material and Labour Contracts- Able to handle independently right from the Indent Stage making of the P.O follow up the Delivery Co-ordination with Stores for the Inventory of Material Co-ordination with Logistics for the Vehicle movement Co-ordination with Accounts for the Payment follow-up- To source and finalise AMC of AC Lift Air Compressor Gen set RO Plant Dehumidifiers etc. - Co-ordinate with Stores Team for the Stock - Inventory Replenishment avoid stock-out situation- Analytical Skill for the Cost work outs to be made by considering the various factors VariablesRequirements 1. Minimum 3 years- experience in a Continuous Process Industry is must2. Experience in Glass industry and allied industry will be given preference3. Qualification - Degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering4. Experience in ERP is mandatory5. Experience in Civil related field - Refurbishment jobs is an added advantage6. Excellent verbal and written communication7. Negotiation skill8. Attention to details9. Track orders and ensure timely delivery10. Interpersonal skill11. Solid judgment and decision making skill etc. Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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