Fresher Mechanical Engineer jobs at chennai

Fresher Mechanical Engineer jobs at chennai Job description Greetings from MNC Fresher Mechanical Engineer jobs at chennai 2024Urgent Opening for Mechanical Engineer in Chennai LocationExperience 2 Years (An experienced Mechanical Engineer required with knowledge in valve pump related products.).Qualifications Degree in Mechanical EngineeringWork Location ChennaiSoftware Skills Proficiency in AutoCAD (2D) or SolidWorks DraftSight or equivalent essential.Industry - Manufacturing industryKey Responsibilities Understanding the Datasheet of the orders thoroughly. Preparing the BOM for the orders in GP with the help of the Parts list xl sheet of the product. Allocating the corresponding Manufacturing drawings for the BOM. Checking the BOM and drawings for correctness as per the Datasheet requirements. Check all the drawings both 2D and 3D thoroughly to adhere the design guidelines and standards. (Like Title block templates drawing standard templates scales dimensioning special notes etc.). Preparing 3D Models of the Stream-D Product from existing 3D Assembly model for CFD Analysis. And Co-ordinate with the CFD engineer to get the flow results of the product.Job Types Full-time PermanentSalary 15k to 20k per monthEducation Bachelor s (Preferred)Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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