HR Recruitment Specialist Use Your Expertise to Thrive

HR Recruitment Specialist Use Your Expertise to ThriveJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesJob Descriptions Create and update job descriptions.Candidate Sourcing Find potential candidates online.Recruitment Emails Send emails to attract candidates.Resume Screening Review resumes and applications.Interviews Conduct interviews by phone video or in person.Assessments Prepare and give tests to candidates.Job Posting Advertise job openings on company website social media job boards and internally.Candidate Shortlists Send lists of qualified candidates to hiring managers.Job Offers Send job offers and answer questions about pay and benefits.HR Metrics Track important HR numbers like time-to-fill and source of hire.Recruitment Events Participate in job fairs and events.Future Hiring Work with managers to plan for future hiring needs.Onboarding Help new hires get started with the company.Role HR RecruiterExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Basic Degree Or MBASalary From 25K per monthLocation Chennai Interested Candidates Can Contact the HR for Further DetailsPreetha - HR 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)



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