4 Bed 3 Bath Detached House for Lease in Heart Lake Brampton

JUST LISTED 118 Wexford Rd Brampton Detached Home 4 Bed 3 Bath Finished Basement Exterior feat. Concrete Patio & Interlocked Walkways On Both Side of Home No Neighbours On Backside Enjoy Local Amenities Heart Lake Conservation Area Brampton Library or the Peel Art Gallery Museum Located Close To Top-Rated Schools Parks Shopping Centers & Major HighwaysMLS s www.eriktaylor.ca idx W9376246 Brampton 118-wexford-rd.htmlContact Us Today For A Private Viewing Erik TaylorErik Taylor & AssociatesSales Representative RE MAX Realty Specialists Inc 647-402-3066 erik(at)eriktaylor.ca www.eriktaylor.ca



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