Diesel Mechanic - 118902

Diesel MechanicPay 16.00 per hourShift 1st Shift (May include weekends)Job Type Temp to HireLocation Miami OKJob Description Join a leading agricultural company specializing in high-quality mushroom production We are seeking a dedicated Diesel Mechanic to maintain and repair our heavy-duty equipment and vehicles. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute your skills in a dynamic environment while growing within a company committed to quality and excellence.Key Responsibilities Maintenance and Repair Perform diagnostics inspections and repairs on diesel engines transmissions brakes and other heavy-duty components. Routine Maintenance Conduct routine maintenance tasks including oil changes wheel balancing and brake checks. Record Keeping Keep accurate records of parts inventory and serviced vehicles. Tool Proficiency Utilize welding torching and pneumatic and hydraulic tools effectively. Compliance Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). Workplace Organization Maintain a clean and organized work area. Reporting Complete daily logs and reports accurately. Skills Required Experience Proven experience as a Diesel Mechanic or similar role. Technical Skills Proficient in diagnosing and repairing diesel engines and heavy-duty equipment. Tool Usage Familiarity with welding torching and using pneumatic and hydraulic tools. Attention to Detail Strong attention to detail and commitment to safety standards. Team Player Ability to work collaboratively within a team environment. Job Order 118902Stand-By PersonnelYou may submit your resume to aaronr(at)standbypersonnel.com



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