Drive Your Future Join Us as a Forklift Operator

Drive Your Future Join Us as a Forklift OperatorJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Unload goods and supplies from the packing section into the stock yard then stack them in designated locations or from the stockyard to the vehicles nearby. 2. Find product inventory and transfer it to pallets for storage or shipping. 3. Determine damages note any shortages and file a bill for any damages. 4. If necessary move raw materials from storage to manufacturing workstations. 5. Examine the forklift to see if repairs are necessary and ensure safety by carrying out routine maintenance. 6. Enter the forklift s diesel consumption reading in the logbook. 7. Frequent forklift maintenance and cleaning.Role Forklift OperatorExperience FreshersQualification 8th 10th 12th or AboveSalary From 18K per monthLocation Chennai Interested Candidates Can Contact the HR for Further DetailsPreetha - HR 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)



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