Hiring on Malayalam voice process

Job Title Voice process associate - Malayalam Package - 19-20k Exp 0-1 yrs Location PERUNGUDI Qualification Graduate mandatory Shift Day Rotational Shift Languages English Telugu English Malayalam Looking for Immediate Joiner Key Responsibilities Customer Interaction Respond promptly to customer inquiries via phone.Provide accurate and helpful information to customers regarding policies.Handle and resolve customer complaints escalating issues when necessary. Problem Resolution Investigate and analyse customer problems or concerns and provide effective solutions. Work closely with other departments to resolve complex issues and ensure timely resolution. Qualifications and Skills Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Strong problem-solving abilities. Ability to work well under pressure and handle challenging situations with a calm and professional. A customer-centric mindset and a passion for delivering exceptional service. Any Graduate can apply Must know to speak Good English with Any one regional language With regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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