Incharge role QA DEPARTMENT

Company Name Injection Molding Job Designation INCHARGE Department QUALITY ASSURANCE Job Location Sriperambutur Qualification Engineering Vacancy 1 Job Description Quality Control Oversee and control all aspects of quality assurance making sure that they adhere to business rules legal requirements and industry standards.Team Leadership Assist in the development guidance and leadership of the quality assurance team to guarantee excellent work clear communication and career advancement.Implement and maintain quality control procedures carrying out routine audits and reviews to make sure standards are being followed.Data analysis Create and deliver reports to management by analyzing quality data and metrics to find patterns underlying issues and areas for improvement.Continuous Improvement Lead programs that use best practices and process enhancements to raise operational effectiveness and product quality.Training and Development Create and carry out programs that teach employees about standards regulations and processes related to quality assurance.Customer interaction Respond to grievances and comments from customers regarding the caliber of the goods.Exp 1-2 YRS Salary 35K Qualification DIPLOMA BE EEE SHIFT GENERAL SHIFT With regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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